Bloomberg, the mayor who would be Caesar

Every time I think this guy can’t possibly seem any worse, he opens his mouth and proves he’s not only an arrogant plutocrat, but also a dangerous one:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the New York Police Department was like his own personal military force during a speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, according to PolitickerNY. “I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh biggest army in the world,” he said. More here.

5 thoughts on “Bloomberg, the mayor who would be Caesar

  1. At least Bloomberg is an honest politician. He does control an army. So do the mayor’s of Oakland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. The difference is that those corrupt 1 percenters won’t admit that they deployed their armies to bust the heads of, and strip the Constitutional rights from “we the people.”

  2. How right you are Imhotep! But the truth is out now, and more and more of us are hearing it. So, while the Emporers in this country brag about their presumption of power, the masses are realizing that Ceasar is actually broken and naked.

  3. What is frightening to me is I’m not so sure Bloomberg understands why that concept of NYPD being his personal army is wrong. I don’t think it crosses his mind the police are taxpayer funded. No – they’re HIS – and in his mind rightfully so.

    That is just so illustrative of the mindset of our political elites. They are all borderline or full-blown sociopaths.

  4. “I’m not so sure Bloomberg understands why that concept of NYPD being his personal army is wrong. I don’t think it crosses his mind the police are taxpayer funded. No – they’re HIS – and in his mind rightfully so.”

    But Bloomie’s right. He bought himself the NYC mayoralty (how much did he spend altogether?), so that’s his, and the NYPD is therefore his as well.

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