How it works

I’m listening to right-wing talk radio, and a 22-year-old self-described Christian woman who describes herself as “extremely confused until I started listening to you,” calls in to ask the host for help in arguing with her left-leaning boyfriend about his voting for Jerry Brown.

The host asks why her boyfriend’s avoiding talking about the election.

“Oh, that’s not him, that’s me,” she said. “I asked to delay talking about it until I knew more about the issues.”

In other words: She only wants to hear something that confirms what she instinctively “knows.” And she only wants to know how to argue that pre-determined position — even though she doesn’t really know why she’s chosen it.

Is she any different from any other cult member?

6 thoughts on “How it works

  1. On a similar note I was torturing myself for a few minutes in the car this morning and had Beck on and a caller tried to compare the reactions of the people to those of a victim of domestic violence. This was so wrong on so many levels not the least of which was just how much it trivialized the true living hell the real victims of domestic violence go through.

  2. In other words: She only wants to hear something that confirms what she instinctively “knows.” And she only wants to know how to argue that pre-determined position — even though she doesn’t really know why she’s chosen it.

    Sounds like some of my recent “discussions” I have had here on SG… 😀


  3. Ron,

    Actually, it was Susie that was proving my point. 😀

    But you say Poe TAY toe, I say Tow MAY toe… 😀


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