I don’t like Jim Comey

Variety. (2018, March 6). James Comey [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://pmcvariety.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/comey.png?w=1000&h=563&crop=1

But I do like gossip, so I’m probably going to read his book. Here’s a summary.


One thought on “I don’t like Jim Comey

  1. All Republicans are the enemy and reading is a wonderful way to pass the day away.

    That said, and completely off topic, I read this morning that the Senate voted to confirm Andrew Wheeler as the number 2 man at the EPA, by a vote of 53-47.

    Wheeler spent his entire career as a lobbyist for the coal industry and doesn’t believe in global warming.

    Democrats Joe Manchin, Heidi Heitkamp, and Joe Donnelly voted with the Republicans to confirm Wheeler to his post at the EPA.
    Wheeler will be Pruitt’s right-hand man. Pruitt goes and Wheeler takes over.

    Democrats Manchin, Heitkamp, and Donnelly should get the “Blue Wave” treatment.

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