McGahn subpoena judge will not put ruling on hold while it is appealed…

On Monday, the judge said that the Justice Department could not “make a persuasive showing of irreparable harm in the absence of a colorable argument that McGahn’s mere appearance before the Judiciary Committee would, in and of itself, be harmful.”

2 thoughts on “McGahn subpoena judge will not put ruling on hold while it is appealed…

  1. Impotence.

    As long as Congress fails to exercise its Constitutional authority by allowing the Executive Branch to defy and usurp its power, then Congress is of no use to the American people.

    Congress has issued multiple subpoenas that the courts have upheld and yet Congress takes no action against those who refuse to comply with those subpoenas.


    P.S. Congress has the power and authority to end any war by simply refusing to fund it.
    We have been fighting in Afghanistan for more then 16 years and the Democrats in the House refuse to end that war. Why?

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