Nancy SMASH!

Nancy is just not having it!

Nancy will throw shade, you can count on that!

One thought on “Nancy SMASH!

  1. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden may be very nice human beings, but their political judgement sometimes leaves a bit to be desired.

    Corporatist Joe Biden is off his rocker.
    “You’re a damn liar, man,” screamed crazy Joe at an old, retired farmer in Iowa yesterday.
    Then Joe “the Clown” took over and challenged the old guy to a push-up contest and an IQ test.
    Has Joe found a new and cleaver way to campaign or has he simply embraced Trumps disgusting ways?

    Corporatist Joe made matters even worse by declaring that if the Senate called him as a witness in the impeachment trial he wouldn’t show up.
    What does Joe have to hide?

    To top off his boorish and unexplainable behavior Joe announced an hour after Kamala Harris dropped out of the race that he would be delighted to have her as his running mate.
    Her body wasn’t even cold yet.

    Joe Biden becomes more of a liability for the Democratic Party with each passing day and that’s no malarkey.

    Let’s pray that Pelosi is smarter then that.

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