About that ‘imminent’ threat…

It appears the authorization to kill Soleimeni some seven months ago, with conditions. So, we can toss imminent threat out. It did sound fishy.

One thought on “About that ‘imminent’ threat…

  1. Everyone working for Trump, in and out of his administration, is a liar.

    Pence, Pompeo, Esper, Bolton, Lindsey Graham, Moscow Mitch and the rest are all liars.

    In the beginning Trump told us to believe that everybody working in the intelligence community and in the FBI were purveyors of “fake intelligence” and big fat liars.
    That’s because he disagreed with what they were telling him and telling the public.

    Now Trump wants us to believe that because the intelligence agencies and the FBI are not calling him out on his lies concerning “imminent threats” “targeted assassinations” and “enemy combatants” they are infallible.

    There was no legal justification to assassinate General Soleimani, therefore he was not a legitimate target. Any more then General Mark Milley is.
    Regardless of what Trump, his henchman, and the intelligence agencies say or do not say about Soleimani’s assassination.

    Secretary of Defense Esper had the unmitigated gall to tell us all yesterday that because “Trump believed what he thought, what he thought is now the new reality.”

    Esper sounds as Big Brotherish as Pompeo sounded last week when he told Congress to “Sit down, shut up, and follow orders.”

    As we creep ever closer to a dictatorship it should be noted that Rudy Giuliani is mentally insane.

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