2 thoughts on “Senator Alexander to vote ‘no’ on witnesses…

  1. Republican Senator Lamar Alexander is a “Profile in Pusillanimousness.”

    Alexander says that he will vote against hearing from witnesses in the trial of the criminal Trump, because the Democrats have already proven their case, and anything that Bolton or anyone else might have say would be unnecessary and redundant.

    Republican Alexander said that what Trump did was “inappropriate” but not “impeachable.”

    Perhaps Republican Alexander is ignorant of the fact that the actions Trump took which were “inappropriate” were also a violation of the Constitution and broke several federal laws that have been on the books for decades?

    Or maybe Republican Alexander just doesn’t give a damn about facts?
    Why should he feel any differently about Trumps criminality then the rest of the Republican asshats sitting in the Senate and the House?

    Is our democratic-republic perfect?
    Absolutely not.
    But if we continue traveling down Trumps road, the Republican road, then we will have an even less perfect union then we have today and we will be subject to the personal whims of an even greater tyrant.

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