
Trump proposes even more cuts to the funding for pandemic response in his new budget:

One thought on “Ahem

  1. Clearly Trump is an austerity president. And as is normally the case the austerity measures Trump has proposed are directed at the bottom 99%, while the top 1% get tax cuts and subsidies.
    In other words the only Socialism that our Capitalist system will currently permit is the Socialism given to the top 1%. FDR would be mortified.

    The good people of Ireland have had quite enough of that kind of upside down Capitalism and Socialism and showed their disgust at the polls on Saturday.

    Sein Fein surprised everyone, including themselves, by winning big.

    The surprise Sein Fein (political arm of the IRA) win is making Protestant Loyalists shake in their boots.
    The Capitalist center-right and center-left parties who are responsible for raising the rents so high that housing has become unaffordable for many in Ireland, will now be forced to face off against the Progressive (Socialist) Sein Fein Party.

    Neo-liberalism has failed all over Europe and what happened in Ireland’s election and in Germany’s latest political turmoil is further proof of that.

    We don’t need Neo-liberal’s Biden or Bloomberg or Buttigieg or Klobuchar any more then the English or Irish or Germans do. Vote Labor.

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