And the plot thickens with Cuomo…

I really don’t see how Cuomo is going to survive this harassment scandal.


One thought on “And the plot thickens with Cuomo…

  1. Any elected Democrat who still supports sexual predator Andrew Cuomo is asking for trouble.

    Let’s talk about another mental midget, Governor Ron DeSantis (Big Lie Party) of Florida for a moment.
    Yesterday this dumb hypocrite said that any corporation who boycotted Israel, in this case Unilever’s Ben & Jerry’s, would be put on the State of Florida’s list of companies currently being boycotted by the state.
    “No soup for you!”

    As a right wing demagogue Ron DeSantis has no equal in the Big Lie Party apart from his hero traitor Trump.
    Ron DeSantis is an empty suit who’s never had an original thought in his life.
    The f*ing clown.

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