Too frail to work, too poor to retire

I love this rant from Athenae over at First Draft:

This is where we’re at, what we’re doing: We give you a deal, and you take it, because … why the fuck wouldn’t you? You worked hard for these institutions all your damn life. You worked hard for them because they promised to take care of you and up until recently, they mostly did.

(And I know it’s like arguing with a stuffed animal, but who the fuck is asking for MORE GOVERNMENT here? Let’s start asking for MORE CORPORATION, as in do for your employees what you promised them you would do, you selfish fucks.)

I don’t understand what we get as a society out of creating thousands and thousands of desperately elderly people. My grandfather’s pension took care of my grandfather until he died and afterward, that pension kept my grandmother in their home. Which she and her children could afford to keep up, thus saving the neighborhood from blight, while she shopped at the local grocery store and bakery, got her local paper delivered, and paid local taxes which fixed the roads and schools and kept the streetlights on.

What would society have gained if those two people had been kicked out of their home? What does society get out of telling people like them too bad, so sad, know how we promised you a pension well fuck you, Shadow President Paul Ryan says we can’t afford that anymore and every Democrat within shouting distance is afraid Chuck Todd will call them mean, plus the company has to think of the shareholders and you’re just a guy who ruined your knees and eyes and hearing making money for those shareholders so it’s not like we owe you jack shit?

You know what we get? Starved schools and unfilled potholes and the smallness and meanness that comes from fear, ordinary animal fear that we have for us and ours won’t be enough, that we need to build walls around ourselves and man the parapets with guns, fence out the Other and glare at those within.

Right the fuck on.

H/t Truck Accident Lawyers, Price Benowitz LLP Maryland.

5 thoughts on “Too frail to work, too poor to retire

  1. Athenae simply doesn’t get it. She lives in a Capitalist economic system. Capitalist ideology and dogma is quite clear in stating that if you fail and wind up poor and destitute then the fault is all yours. The first rule of Capitalism is that everyone is given an equal chance to succeed or to fail.
    Of course anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows that that’s a load of horseshit.
    It’s obvious that those who ‘have’ will get more and those who ‘have not’ will probably end up losing what little they managed to scrounge up.
    Athenae also doesn’t seem to realize that the 1% couldn’t care less about the suffering of the 99% because they live in a completely different world.
    When us barbarians eventually do reach their gates they deploy their heavily armed mercenaries to reestablish order by using for-profit prisons to incarcerate us or murder and fear to keep us in line.
    The system is rigged against you Athenea so accept your plight.
    Or….realize that 1% of the whole is a much smaller number then 99% of the whole. So begin to fight back. By peacefully delegitimizing the institutions of the system.

  2. You know that old expression, “When you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s hard to remember you’re there to drain the swamp”? And the funny thing is, I swear I just a helicopter dropping in more alligators.

  3. Retirement’s a thing of the past in the US. Corporations won’t ‘give’ squat, they already took your retirement accounts and bought a Congress full of Quislings and a TV full of Fluffers. Justice for Americans will come only when it’s torn from the 1%.

  4. .Great rant, Athenae.

    Our elites feel they do not need us any more — they can find cheaper labor in developing and underdeveloped nations. We’re viewed as impinging on their ability to get ever richer.

    We gotta have a revolution….

  5. So now we get to see the very same assholes who blocked Obama on every issue he proposed over the last 6 years (not that he was right), but now we get to watch them have to kiss his ass to get anything through! Popcorn anyone?

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