2 thoughts on “Doug Collins made me facepalm, again…

  1. It is true that in ‘great state’ politics it is occasionally necessary to go cloak and dagger with certain threats. Hence the long history of spies and assassins (and the enduring popularity of James Bond). But, even if honesty and shall we say, transparency, clear and legal proceedings are not the best policy, it is still true that they are better THAN policy. No ‘great state’ or empire lasts too long that exclusively uses spies and assassins (or spy planes and assassin-drones) to achieve its goals. No ally trusts them, no treaty or agreement is honored.

  2. General “Smiley” Milley and Mike “You’re all going to burn in Hell” Pence are liars.

    Anybody who claims that Iran actually wanted to kill a bunch of Americans, but all of the missiles they lunched missed their intended targets is a liar (Milley, Pence and Collins).

    Or they’re living in Fantasyland.

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