Always snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Philadelphia cops. WTF?

21-year-old Samir Hill is a point guard at Allegany College of Maryland. Recently Hill was playing a friendly game of basketball with some friends Philadelphia when two police officers happened to pass by. The officers engaged in friendly trash talk which lead to a an impromptu game of one-on-one with Hill.

Hill absolutely shook and burned both officers, making them look old, fat, and slow — which they were. But it was all in fun and the officers left the court smiling and joking with the youngsters.

Hill’s friend posted the video on YouTube and it went viral very quickly. This would seem like a great public relations video, maybe invite Hill down to the station for a few public relations photos for some billboards. And viola, you have a public relations win for the Philadelphia P.D. But Philly P.D. decided to take a slightly different approach.

Instead of embracing a public relations gold mine, they instead turned it into a public relations disaster. Not long after the video went viral Hill was “detained” by Philadelphia police for about two hours while they searched his car. They did this while Hill was handcuffed and brought to the police station. They claimed they were looking for his “friend.” No charges were filed and he was released.

2 thoughts on “Always snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

  1. Of course they wanted to retaliate against the friend for video taping the whole thing. Cops on the beat playing basketball obviously doesn’t look good to white male tax hating public employee hating voters. Playing basketball while armed to the teeth doesn’t look too smart either. Trash talking to citizens might even be not to smart in the current environmnet. I’m sure these guys’ bosses were not very happy about the video. I just wish their bosses cared as much about the retaliation their displeasure caused as they do about this basketball game.

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