Senate stimulus bill stalled…

2 thoughts on “Senate stimulus bill stalled…

  1. This is all very simply, but as usual the Republicans are complicating it.

    The government ordered workers to “just stay home,” so the government should send each of those workers a paycheck every week until the “just stay home” order is rescinded.
    What mechanism is used to accomplish that is of no consequence, although the US mail would probably work best.

    No business or corporation should get a bailout.
    Zero interest loans should be made available to the business and corporate sector, not cash for them to buy back stock or pay bonuses.

    Trump is a vile and corrupt Capitalist who said yesterday that “I will not use the Defense Production Act to nationalized our industries like Venezuela.”
    We should immediately nationalize the airplane industry except cargo carriers, the oil and gas industry, and the health care system (Medicare For All).

    Republicans have willingly spent $2+ trillion fighting decades-long oil wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but they are now unwilling to give American workers the direct economic help that they need to pay their bills and eat.


  2. I have an idea: when the goddamn Republicans ask for a half-trillion dollar slush fund from which Fergus can enrich his stupid, stupid businesses without oversight instead of helping poor people survive the apocalypse, we get together as a party and tell them to go fuck themselves.
    They pulled this shit after 9-11 and after the 2008 crash, we shouldn’t let them do it again

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