DIY abortion attempts three times as prevalent in Texas as other states…

The Texas Policy Evaluation Project at The University of Texas at Austin found 6.9 percent of 721 patients seeking abortion tried to end their pregnancies on their own before going to an abortion clinic, compared to 2.2 percent nationally. The results of the study were released Thursday morning.

“We hear from clients pretty often, if I can’t get money for this, trying it at home is their next step,” said Cristina Parker, a spokeswoman for the Lilith Fund, which offers financial assistance to people who need abortions.

Senior White House officials think at least four Republican Senators will call for witnesses for impeachment trial…

Well, one can dream, can’t they? I am not betting the farm, but, stranger things have happened.

Pompeo will not testify before House Committee…

Parnas submits contents of his cell phones to House Intelligence Committee…

Parnas’s attorney…

The transfer comes after a series of rulings from the judge in Parnas’ criminal case in the Southern District of New York since last week and Monday, granting him permission to share records obtained by the government with House impeachment investigators to comply with a subpoena, including documents seized from Parnas’s home and the complete extraction of Parnas’s iPhone 11 and Samsung phone, seized from him upon his arrest in October.

Jimmy Carter’s solar farm powers half of Plains, GA…

In February 2017, the project was completed by SolAmerica on a 10-acre piece of land in Plains. Carter’s farm is supplying his home and half the city’s electricity with 1.3 Mega Watts of power every year. He had 3,852 panels installed on the farm and later that same year, he had the company install an additional 324 panels in his library to supply 7% of its energy requirements

France, Germany, and UK want Iran to stay within compliance of JCPOA…

The statement comes after Tehran said it would further scale back its commitments under the nuclear deal, also known as the JCPOA, after the U.S. killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani earlier this month. Tensions between Tehran and the West have been further heightened since then by Iran’s launch of missiles against Iraqi airbases housing U.S. troops, and the downing of a Ukrainian plane, which Iran says was accidental.